Boutique B2B technical writer, curriculum developer, and instructional material producer


Integrity is the number one value of Kennamer Media Group, Inc. This means that all matters regarding customers, suppliers, and employees will be dealt with honestly and forthrightly every time. No excuses. No games. Just doing that which is right for the customer, the supplier, employees, and the community.

By choice, Kennamer Media Group, Inc. is not a high volume business. Our products and services are not commodities. Each job is carefully planned and masterfully crafted to achieve the desired results. There are a number of low-cost, low-quality options out there. We simply offer something different.

The focus of our products and services is relatively narrow by design. In the same way that you don't want your dentist to perform your heart surgery, we believe that our ability to focus on a limited number of products and service gives us an edge in certain sectors and keeps us from venturing out into other sectors where we do not have the expertise or experience to be successful.