Looking for Quotes from Healthcare Providers
We are in need of a few quotes from healthcare providers for a revision of one of our books. The quotes need not be long, and should speak to the importance of mathematics skills to healthcare providers.
If you are a healthcare professional who would like to contribute to this project, please contact us at info@kennamer.net.
Please submit the following items:
Your name
Your Healthcare Certifications(s) (eg. RN, NRP, RRT, MD, etc.)
Your Employer
City, State
Your email address
One or more quotes from you about the importance of math skills in healthcare.
Examples of quotes from the first edition include:
"Learning to do word problems as a kid is one fo the most useful things you'll ever do."
"If I am to give an injection of 50 mg of Demerol but only have 100 mg/mL doses available, I would use decimals to learn I need to administer 0.5 mL."
If your quote is selected, we will send you a release form allowing us to use your quote and name in the upcoming book. Unfortunately, we are unable to pay contributors. However, we will see that you receive oe of the finished books.
Thanks for your consideration. We are looking to find quotes from people across the U.S. and from a variety of healthcare specialties.